The Sayl Retail propositionSince our online pop-up store platform, Sayl Retail, was co-designed by marketing experts, we are all too aware of all these pitfalls listed. Sayl Retail offers freely customizable branding and automatically puts it in the most optimal places – things like headers, footers and messages go where users expect them to go.
Furthermore, our setup model is such that it helps you think about snappy product copy and automatically links up to other channels you are already using. We cannot guarantee your end result will look fantastic, but you won't be thrown into the deep.
Summary: branding checklist Here's a handy checklist for when you're doing your branding exercises:
- Can I answer basic questions about my business first? Remember: only do your branding when your foundations are solid.
- Can outsiders immediately tell what kind of business or service I'm delivering? Remember: don't try to be too smart.
- Have I checked in with a professional? Remember: finding the optimal balance between cost, quality and time isn't easy, but doing everything yourself will most likely deliver subpar results.
- Have I looked around to see what kind of branding appeals to me most? How are my competitors doing it?
- Am I applying my branding consistently across channels, both online and offline? Are there places where my branding takes a back seat? Remember: branding shouldn't stand in the way of making money – your identity is not the primary thing your customers care about.