A sample pop-up shop
The proof of the pudding is in the eating. For a temporary webshop, few periods are more interesting than the FIFA World Cup Football (or Soccer, for our American friends) for men. It's a traditional merch hotbed for jerseys, make-up, drums, dress-up get-ups and whatnot.

So, we decided to create a sample pop-up shop just to show you how fast and easy shopping on the customer side really is with Sayl Retail. Our chosen target here are fans of Belgium's Red Devils, arguably currently one of the best national teams in the world.

Enter the shop through quickly

Go look here.

Looks nice, doesn't it? And here's the dirty little secret: it took me all of 15 minutes to set up this shop. And if I can do it, so can you. Apart from a simple HTML button, you can also make a link from your newsletter or quickly configure a button from your Facebook page, or make a Facebook Ad that links to your shop.

Fan service for all fans

Also, Sayl Retail lets you set up multiple shops from one account (not for free, we should note, though the pricing here is very fair). That way, you can directly serve fans of any national side without them having to wade through merch of teams that don't interest them, or worse, teams that they hugely dislike.

The language of your fans

The Sayl Retail app detects what language your customer is using in their browser or on their phone, and adapts your shop accordingly. Available in English, French, Spanish, German and Dutch, it already covers a huge swath of international football fans.

Apply what you learned
Set up a pop-up shop yourself