Unified commerce As A Service
For large B2C businesses
Todays customers are active in all channels and expect convenience and frictionless experiences. This brings new challenges to the table: are you able to identify and track your customers both online as in-store? Are you able to avoid creating data silos? Are you able to turn your communications into a transaction?
Make your touchpoints matter
An unforgettable online experience is based on knowing your customer.
Our smart algorithms capture and analyse data and make it possible to put personalisation as a key lever in your communication. People expect personal promotions and the ability to identify them both in-store as online.

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Context-aware recommendations
We help you serve contextually aware recommendations based on the stage of your customers buyer journey. Recommendations can be based on past purchases, based on the items that are in the customers basket, or heck - even the weather. Providing the right recommendations on the right time can increase your customers spending up to 40%.
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Any channelwill do
When your customers are active in different channels, it's easy to loose track of them.
Bring them back, provide a personalised and relevant offer in any channel they use.
Via chat and voice
Facebook Messenger, Alexa and other chat & voice apps can bring tremendous value in terms of chat conversation. We hook our pop-up shops right onto these channels.
The Sayl Retail Plus platform brings you merchant facing tools to identify your customer in the store, including kiosks to interact and in-store payments.
Via your website or app
A trusted app used by your (repeat) visitors can be the ideal springboard to create user engagement.
How it works
Contact Us
We invite you to fill in the form below (click 'contact us') and provide us info about your business and project.
We discuss your needs
We will set up a meeting or conf call with one of our digital retail specialists. We listen and give input to your plan.
Based on the call we define a high-level implementation plan, including a workshop to finalise the definition phase.
Our clients
Companies already active with Sayl Retail Plus