Monetize your Youtube videos
Create a pop-up shop. Link it to your Youtube movies.
Show, tell and sell via Youtube
Monetizing your Youtube videos is only one step away. With Sayl Retail, you can create a separate shop per video that you create. With exact the content you discuss in your video.
Suitable for fashion
Sell your fashion products via pop-up shops
Suitable for music
Music merchandise ? Sell it via Sayl Retail!
Suitable for travel
Products related to travel ? Create a pop-up shop.
Suitable for sports
Popular sports or niche sport ? No problem!
Sayl Retail was for me the answer to my challenge of having different sets of articles that I highlight during my vlogs. Now I create a pop-up store anytime I create a new vlog.
Eva D.
Easily create
a new source
of income
  • Easy to set up an account
    In less than 2 minutes you can set up a new Sayl Retail account.
  • Easy to make your own personalized pop-up shops
    Personalize your pop-up shop completely to your own taste. Add articles to each shop as your prefer. It will take you less than 30 minutes to create your own, completely personalized pop-up shops!
  • Easy to link to your sales channels
    With more than 9 sales channels to choose from it's up to you to decide which one suits your business best! Or use all sales channels, the sky is the limit!
  • Easy to monetize your social media
    Once you've linked your pop-up shop to your sales channel it's up to you advertise and watch the money roll in!
Try it out!
Don't wait any longer and signup today to see what the Sayl Retail light pop-up shops could mean for your business. It's free.