yOUR OWN online sales channel - HOW MUCH DOES IT COST?
Find a plan
that's right for you
Plans that are perfect for small businesses. Including a FREE TRIAL period of 14 days.
Prices excluding VAT.

Price in EUR | in USD | in GBP | in DKK | in NOK

25 €/m

45 €/m

Number transactions / month
Unlimited products?
Multiple shops in 1 account?
Multiple languages in 1 shop?
Add store to any website?
Mobile responsive cart
Multi-language shops
Timeslots for click&collect and delivery
Facebook pixel
Google Analytics
Coupons / Discount codes
Personalised mails
Google auto translate
Chat + Mail
Fee on transaction
See below
Sales channels
Online shop
Facebook shop
Google Shopping
Instagram shop
Facebook Advertising
Google Advertising
Instagram Advertising
Pinterest Advertising
Transaction fees pricing
Payment provider
Starter Plan
Pro Plan
25 €/m
45 €/m
Debit card
Sayl Retail + PAY.

2% commission +

0,22 €/transaction

1% commission +

0,22 €/transacation

Debit card
Other payment providers

2% commission +

0,39 €/transaction (average)

1% commission +

0,39 €/transaction (average)

Credit card
Sayl Retail + PAY.

2% commission +

1,3% credit card +

0,22 €/transaction

1% commission +

1,3% credit card +

0,22 €/transaction

Credit card
Other payment providers

2% commission +

2,9% credit card (average) +

0,29 €/transaction (average)

1% commission +

2,9% credit card (average) +

0,29 €/transaction (average)

Note that in the freemium plan the fee is not applicable as only 3 transactions can be done.